Relationship with Money Course

How You Can Transform Your Relationship with Money Course (for Women)

When it comes to manifesting money, did you try various different "new age" ideas but found that none of them have worked?

You might have tried ideas such as...

  • Willing your mind to "think positively" so that you can activate the Law of Attraction for money to flow effortlessly to you
  • Praying to the Universe or God to send you the money because you believe that you "ought" to be deserving since you are ahem..."spiritual"
  • Creating a vision board workshop over the weekend
  • Getting psychic readings to improve your fortune
  • Responding "yes" a dozen times to images on social media requesting you to type "yes" to receive the $1,000,000 that is coming to you within 24 hours
  • Lighting white candles to clear space
  • And so on.

Unfortunately, not being able to see results with any of the above ideas is a common experience with many spiritual and conscious people.

Thus, you could still be grappling with anxiety and feeling stressed about money - despite all that you have tried.

Well, based on my personal experience and having worked with many others, I'd like to suggest a different approach.

The answer to manifestation have little to do with a lack of knowledge or skills on your part.

In fact, what I'd like to suggest is an inside-out approach.

By this, I mean changing what you think and feel about things; in particular, money and yourself.

It's what this course is all about.

Why Get this Course?

Find out why you would want to use an inside-out approach

Get started now!

Like many others, I applied the things that the money manifestation experts advised.

Mantras, vision boards, prayers - I did them all.

Well, I found out that most of the ideas didn't work.

For instance, I wasn't able to manifest the $8,200,000 or $10,000,000 (refer to examples below) even after I typed to claim these amounts in the comments to the social media posts...

When manifestation did not happen, I thought I was the one to be blamed.

That I was "not good enough".

That there was something wrong with me.

At first, I did not realise what I was missing.

For the most part, I was in frustration, disappointment and anxiety because I could not get these ideas to work.

Finally, the penny dropped!

It struck me that since I was feeling emotional about money, this could be a good place to start.

I could begin with working on changing what I feel and think about money.

And if I continue to be feeling disrupted, it just means that MORE inner work needs to be done!

Finally, I was ready to admit that emotional bypassing with pretending to be positive is ineffective. I began to recognise that it is NOT going to be a quick fix. Responding "yes" to a social media post to claim $1 million to my bank account is wishful thinking when the chance of it happening is pretty low.

Instead, I was called to be honest in what I truly think and feel about money, face my fears and decide what I'd like my relationship with money to be.

Amazingly, things started to improve once I committed to changing my relationship with money. I gained a sense of financial well-being. Instead of constant anxiety, I was a lot more confident and at ease. In fact, I was able to move into action with working on my finances. Whether it was to invest my funds, work on my business or hold financial discussions calmly with my husband.

The result was seeing a positive and healthy improvement in my bank balance!

What was interesting for me to observe is that the more I work on releasing my limiting beliefs and feelings about money, the "new age" ideas - be it creating a vision board or applying visualisation techniques - began to work a lot better!

When I started to map out what has worked for me since the beginning, I came up with the content and strategies that make up this self-paced course.

Hence, if you are feeling frustrated that nothing has worked for you, this course could potentially be where you can begin!

Transform Your Results with a Relation-SHIFT

My Transform Your Relationship with Money Course offers a way for you to change what you think and feel about money. When fear is out of the way and you have more positive thoughts and feelings, it becomes a lot easier for you to take the actions that are needed for a financial breakthrough. The Transformation Wheel Process is as follows...

In this soulful course, the following topics are covered...

1) Release Money Anxiety

Learn how you can apply Emotional Freedom Technique for letting go of money anxiety. EFT is a method of release that involves using your finger tips to lightly tap on end meridian points on your face and body. It helps you to align your energy system. You simply need to follow my step-by-step guide.

2) Reframe Your Relationship

Reframe the lens of viewing money less of an enemy and more as a partner/friend.

3) Reclaim Your Feminine Power

How you can let go of limiting beliefs on women disempowerment, so that you can step into a more financially empowered self. In working with clients, I have found that many women have mindset issues around money. In this section, you'd be working on identifying what could be in the way for you.

4) Rewrite with Positive Beliefs

Identify limiting beliefs and thoughts about money, so that you can work on reframing them into more empowering ones that support you on taking charge of your finan

5) Renew Your Relationship SPARK

Use the SPARK formula to renew your relationship with money with healthy money dates for undertaking healthy money habits that will help you improve your finances.

Imagine What It Would Be Like to Shift from Anxiety into Increased Confidence and Magnetic Ability...

How would the following experiences feel like to you?

  1. Be in a state of ease and flow while doing what you love and worry less about the money.
  2. Get out of your own way, so that you can do what it takes to generate increased income.
  3. Feel more generous with your time, resources and money instead of feeling tight and broke all the time.
  4. Gain confidence to attract what you do want, instead of what you don't.
  5. Gain better alignment with your potential to boost money and income.
  6. Feel lighter, more energised and financially well!

It's only possible if you change the way you think and feel about money and yourself. Raise your energy frequency, so that you can truly attract what you want. Less hustle, less struggle, more ease! Your wellness gets a boost!

Get started now!

Who is this Women-Only Course For?

  • Coaches
  • Energy healers
  • Creative professionals eg. artists
  • Holistic practitioners
  • Social media marketers
  • Consultants
  • Service providers
  • Online entrepreneurs

What You Will Get From This Self-Paced Online Program

Video Tutorials
Guided Assignments
10 Downloadable Handouts and Journal Worksheets
10 EFT Tapping Videos
[Bonus] Reboot Your Money Energy Video Recordings from a previous program.

All video recordings total 4.5 hours that you can easily consume and dedicate to over a weekend.

Access the Course Anytime

Please note that there are not LIVE trainings that you need to be present. All video trainings are delivered bite-sized. This is a self-paced course that you complete on your own.

You have ONE year to access the course materials.

Course Curriculum

  Release Limiting Childhood Beliefs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Renew Your Relationship with the SPARK Formula
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Client Win

Listen in to How Rachel Won Manifested Her Wins After Releasing Her Anxiety and Fears


Relation-SHIFT: Transform Your Relationship with Money

My Money Relationship Course is
practical and not based on fluff, magic wands or quick-fix pills.

If you have been perceiving money to be working against you, you are just going to feel averse and avoid it. The aversion that you feel will simply repel it. However, if you change your perception about money and shift into ease and confidence, you can find it easier to handle your finances and potentially grow your money.

When I work with my clients, many of them tell me how much lighter, more inspired and energised they feel, once they reset their money alignment. As a result of an improved relationship with themselves and with money, they were able to manifest a breakthrough. They feel thankful knowing that they can change their reality.

Money manifestation experts charge minimally $1K and upwards for group programs. It can be that much to invest for a breakthrough! If you are already having money blocks, your fears can get activated even more at the thought of having to fork out such a big sum.

It's why I have put this course together. It's a self-paced course for only fraction of the investment that can potentially help you get started on making shifts. Get started now!

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

For how long do you have access to the videos for this program?
You have one year to access the videos. During this time, the course will be updated whenever there are new materials.
What if you are dissatisfied with the program?
I would be sorry to learn that you did not benefit from it. If within 30 days, you did not achieve any benefits from this program and if you are feeling dissatisfied, contact me at and I will give you a full refund. This program is at 100% risk-free to you :-)
What makes this course different from others?
First of all, there is no other course like this since I created it. I'm also not going to offer false promises of fast money and unhelpful manifestation ideas. This starter course is meant for those who are serious about transforming from within. What I have found is that if you want to change the results that you are getting, you need to start working on changing your thoughts and feelings. If you decide to apply the materials in this course, you can potentially experience a real shift in your financial well-being.

Your Instructor


I specialise in helping women who are struggling with deep anxiety to heal emotionally and to improve the relationship that they have with themselves, so that they can gain greater confidence with manifesting the life that they want. With 10 years of experience online, I have served women from different parts of the world. As a mother to two lovely girls, I hope to leave a legacy that centers on empowering women to love ourselves, go for their authentic dreams and to own their success!

I am a Life Mastery Coach, Accredited EFT Practitioner, Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Enneagram Practitioner. Also, I am trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming, Reiki and other healing modalities.

Find out more about me at

Get started now!