How to Reparent Yourself (Self-Love Course)

How to Reparent Yourself and Heal Your Inner Child

Hi there, are you going through any of the following experiences....

  • Find yourself easily triggered, such that you get emotionally reactive even to small matters?
  • Tendency to feel rather insecure and are either avoidant or clingy in your relationships?
  • Feel the need to put walls around you as you can't seem to feel safe around others?
  • Tendency to feel invisible as if no one notices you?
  • Can't seem to handle emotional overwhelm?
  • Tendency to self-criticise or believe that you are “not good enough” or "unlovable"?

And if you should search on the inside as to where your struggles are stemming from, your memory may just lead you back to the past....all the way back to childhood.

You may just realise this: even though you are now an adult, your wounded inner child is in charge.

Listen in to the video and find out more about the wounded inner child.

Self-Love: Reparenting Your Inner Child

Reasons on Why You Need to Reparent Yourself

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Why Heal and Reparent Yourself

A wounded inner child often reacts with fear, hurt, anger or jealousy.

It’s how she sabotages your adult life repeatedly.

Thus, even though you are an adult, you can find yourself behaving like you are a child who is not getting her way or feeling rather scared and vulnerable.

Should this be the case, some inner work (that involves reparenting yourself and healing your wounded child) is warranted to address unresolved issues. Note that you do not have to experience deep trauma; such as, physical abuse, to require inner work. In fact, if you have experienced emotional neglect when you were a child or if you have had some unresolved negative experiences and you continue to hold on to pain and hurt, you can potentially benefit from healing and reparenting your inner child.

It’s easy to brush off the many everyday things that hold you back from being your best but they could also be areas that you can work on. For example, if you have the tendency to deflect attention, you can’t seem to express yourself or if you have perfectionistic tendencies. increases your ability to release childhood blocks that hold you back from aligning with your potential.

Not forgetting, if you have tried meditation or forms of spiritual healing but you are still struggling, you can potentially find some answers in reparenting yourself. While meditation is great, it may not be specific enough to help you process any past childhood issues. Spiritual work is not the same as emotional healing, as I have discovered. Ultimately, doing both is important, with one thing being clear: reparenting your inner child is crucial for restoring self-love. It's certainly what this course is about.

By determining that it is your wounded inner child that has been in charge, you can then begin to help process any unresolved needs that she has. In so doing, you help your inner child restore well-being. No longer in sabotage, you are better able to align with your wise self, and to live in greater freedom, creativity, play and child-like wonder. As you repair the relationship you have with your inner child, you also stand to enjoy better relationships with your loved ones.

What Does It Mean to Reparent Yourself or Your Inner Child?

Your inner child is the energetic representation of your younger self. Even though the past is gone, you have an inner child that exists within you. Your inner child may be healthy or your inner child may be wounded. Should you face constant struggles in adulthood, it is indicative that your wounded inner child is crying for attention and help.

When the needs of your inner child have not been met, you are likely to discover yourself reacting from the wounded child space even though you are now an adult. Your reactions tend to be disproportionately bigger as compared to the trigger at hand. It’s possible to feel out of control sometimes. And you are left wondering why you can’t seem to rein in on your emotions. And that is because your inner child is in the driver’s seat.

To heal emotionally at deep levels is to embrace the inner child with love and acceptance. In fact, as I have discovered, if you get to the root of loving yourself, you will discover that it involves loving not just your adult self but also, your inner child. You embrace every part of who you are – including your past and everything that makes up you.

Reparenting yourself simply means healing your inner child and doing what is needed to support a healthy state. “Reparenting” is crucial because while you had been cared for by your caregivers when you were young, your needs (especially your emotional needs) were not fully met. You now undertake the responsibility of doing what you can to repair the past.

My starter course has been designed to offer some vital steps on how you can reparent yourself and heal your inner child. Make a purchase below!

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Who Is this Course For

Many of us may know about parenting our children. But when it comes to reparenting or parenting our inner child, we have little clue. It’s why I decided to create a starter course.

This course does not replace 1:1 deep therapy work, and it is not meant for those who have gone through extreme trauma or distress during childhood.

However, it is a great introduction if

  • you are new to reparenting or therapy work,
  • you are keen to overcome insecurity, low confidence and self-sabotage,
  • you'd like to find out about healing childhood wounds,
  • you would like to learn to love yourself unconditionally,
  • you would like to find out about applying EFT tapping for inner child healing,
  • and/or you would like to do some supplementary exercises on your own.

The last I checked, you won't be able to find a similar course like this elsewhere online.

Who Am I

Hi, my name is Evelyn and I specialise in helping women with emotional healing at deep levels. I have been running an online business for 10 years, with helping others on clearing their subconscious limiting patterns and energetic blocks.

For many years, I had felt stuck myself with no clue on what the specific reason to my depression was. I would found it hard to cope emotionally and often sabotage myself in many areas with my negative self-talk. In search for answers, I went on a spiritual healing journey and I tried solutions like reiki and meditation. However, while life seemed to have improved, I was still having trouble with handling my emotions whenever I got triggered. Invariably, I would wrestle with my beliefs of “not good enough” and being “unlovable”.

Then, one fine day, I realised that even though I was going for meditation sessions, I was still emotionally bypassing. My tendency was to suppress my negative feelings and fears. Also, I had immense problems expressing what I was feeling. As I started to deep dive, I found out that my behaviour and self-resentment struggles were rooted in my childhood issues.

While addressing emotional blocks felt scary at first, I eventually plucked up courage to face the past. As I worked on reparenting, I began to understand what it means to get into a better relationship with the self. As a result,I have never felt more well and happier since.

Thankfully, I found the answers to addressing my deep-rooted issues even though it was a long search. I went on to help private clients. They started to report amazing shifts. As things unfold, I realise that I would really love to help more people out there. Having been through it all, I decided to put this starter self-paced course together.

It will be great to help you shorten your healing journey and at a low-cost fee through this course. If you are struggling with anxiety or insecurity, this course may just be the catalyst for a breakthrough. I can't wait to offer you some answers that can help!

What You Can Expect From This Course

1) Learn how you can heal your inner child.

While this self-paced course does not replace 1:1 therapy, you can expedite your healing process with greater awareness and understanding. It may just lead you to cost savings in therapy too. The potential shifts that you can make from increased clarity by completing this course will be priceless!

2) Get the roadmap to letting go of the past through inner child work.

If you have been stuck in the past for years, learn about how you can repair childhood wounds so that you can finally let the past go. Lose the ton of baggage, so that you can travel light in your life journey!

3) Get started on your own with some exercises.

It may be that you are not ready to engage the help of a therapist or counsellor for private sessions yet. This beginner course can be your start point. There are exercises that you can do to get going. Don't hold your healing back with any more resistance!

4) Gain access to a unique course covering EFT tapping for inner child healing, a therapeutic method that is proven, easy to apply and effective.

I will be covering exercises and techniques that you may not find with most talk therapies. For example, we are going to be applying EFT tapping for letting go of the past. I have included starter videos for you to follow and get started.

EFT tapping is a therapeutic method where you tap on specific meridian endpoints on your face and body for emotional release. It is a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Psychology and scientifically-backed and proven by thousands and thousands of people worldwide. While EFT tapping can be applied for a whole range of issues, what you can expect to learn is how to apply EFT tapping for wounded inner child healing.

5) Dig deeper into Self-Love

Many people mistakenly believe that self-love means pampering ourselves with retail therapy, massages, or going on holiday trips. Or, we may mistakenly believe that we “ought” to know how to love ourselves. The truth is that they are all misconceptions. In this course, you will begin to understand how inner child healing is necessary for unconditional self-love.

All in, you are getting tools, tips and resources that are designed to help you with gaining greater awareness and for making a shift.

Get started now!

What You Get with a Purchase

  • Paced content delivered to you over 5 days
  • Written tutorials
  • Bite-sized video tutorials
  • Frameworks that you can apply
  • Downloadable assignments

Course Curriculum

  Self-Love Reparenting: Wholeness Integration
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Bonus] Self-Love Workbook for 40 days
Available in days
days after you enroll

Just Imagine....

Just imagine, being able to heal emotionally. By being less triggered, you become calmer and more composed. Instead of reacting from a wounded child space, you are responding wisely.

Because you are able to manage your emotions, your relationships start to improve. You become better able to build close and connected relationships with your loved ones. No longer needy or avoidant, your relationships become healthy.

Healing your inner child helps you to build authentic confidence and esteem, while reparenting yourself creates resilience even when things are not going well. As a result, you feel better about yourself, stronger as a person and more empowered. It’s also how you become more magnetic and attract the positive outcomes that match your renewed energetic state.

Not forgetting, by learning how to reparent yourself, you become a better parent to your children too. You are able to hold space for your children (just like how you hold space for your inner child) and to align with the wise parent from within.

All in, going through my starter course may just be the catalyst that you need for inner transformation. The ripple effect that you create from healing inside-out spreads to your loved ones. You may not have been responsible for the past, but you certainly can benefit tremendously if you take up the responsibility to reparent yourself.

I’d like to invite you to join me on my course. Sign up below and see you on the inside!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. However please note that the course is available for a year from the time you made a purchase.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course. The course is available for a year and across any devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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