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How to Reparent Yourself (Self-Love Course)
What Makes This Course Different (4:41)
My Self-Love Journey (3:42)
Important Considerations That You Need to Know (1:48)
How to Go About this Course
Great Reminders for Self-Love Reparenting
Intention: From Wounded Child to Wise Adult
General Overview: The 3 Cs to Change (1:48)
Connect with Your Inner Child
Clear the Disruption
Commit to Reparenting
Self-Love Reparenting: Definitions & Meaning
7 Signs that You Have a Wounded Inner Child
Re-traumatising or Re-parenting Yourself?
What is the Inner Child About (3:42)
How Did Wounds of Your Inner Child Arise
Which: Wounded Inner Child, Critical Inner Parent or Wise Inner Parent
Reparenting Your Inner Child from the Wise Inner Parent (3:11)
Self-Love Healing: From Wounded Child to Secure and Healthy Inner Child
Exercise: "Butterfly Hug" Your Inner Child (5:17)
What Is Attachment Theory and Why It Matters (9:39)
Exercise: Identify What Is Missing For Secure Attachment (5:05)
Exercise: Validate Your Inner Child
S.H.I.F.T. for Inner Child Healing (4:36)
Self-Love Healing: Journalling to Know Yourself
Identify Your Triggers (2:40)
Set Boundaries for Reparenting (2:29)
Meet the Emotional Needs of Your Inner Child
Self-Love Healing: Apply the Ho’oponopono Prayer
Applying the Ho’oponopono Prayer for Self-Love
Exercise 1: Say the Ho'oponopono Prayer to Your Inner Child
Exercise 2: Write a Ho'oponopono Letter to Your Inner Child
Self-Love Healing: EFT Tapping for Your Inner Child
Why EFT Tapping for Inner Child & Self-Love Healing (3:34)
[Important] Undertake Tapping Responsibility (1:00)
Exercise 1: Tap to Let Go of the Fear of Doing Inner Work (5:55)
Exercise 2: Tap to Align with Your Wise Inner Parent (4:44)
Exercise 3: Tap for Inner Child Healing (4:05)
Exercise 4: Tap to Release Anxiety for Your Inner Child (8:59)
Guide on Tapping for Healing Emotional Wounds
Self-Love Reparenting: Wholeness Integration
Rippling Benefits of Self-Love Reparenting
Self-Love Reparenting: Path to Whole-hearted Living (2:10)
[Bonus] Self-Love Workbook for 40 days
Download Self-Love Workbook for Women
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Exercise: Validate Your Inner Child
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